Sunday, 30 December 2012

EatPES Animation

EatPES is an American Animation company with a huge imagination span. Their main them is food & drinks and the everyday objects, having advertised for popular vodka branks, Orange with the socks and Coinstar...

I intend to post more of EatPES's work as I feel that the world should see these mesmerising short stories.


Types of Animation

Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images to create an illusion of movement.

In animation, there are different methods:
*Flip Book - a book with a series of pictures that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the pages are turned rapidly, the pictures appear to animate by simulating motion or some other change
* Traditional - hand drawn cels to which has been used most recently on 'The Snowman and The Snow Dog'
*Stop Motion - involves a series of picture making to record movement and sequences to which animators as Nick Park uses for 'Wallace and Gromit' and Tim Burton with 'The Corpse Bride' & 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'

*Computer Generated Animation - whether 2D or 3D, has become the most popular way of animation in the silver screen industry. Many company's have come to use this medium, such ones as Pixar and Disney.

As a huge lover of animation, it is hard to pick out a particular style I love most as I each one of the processes have beauty to them individually. But, if I was put at gun point, I would pick Stop Motion because of love of making things, moulding characters with your own hands and the amazing ability bring inanimate objects to life.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Winter Photography

 Snap Happy in Winter!  These are some lovely snaps taken around the Wentworth Castle Estate.

Happy Seasons.


Never Mind the Pollock

Pollock; the bad ass fish that believes itself to be as all and mighty as Cod. When in actual fact, it tastes foul, as I found out in an investigation of the subject I would have to illustrate for an editorial project. It's a horrid fish that in actual fact should be compared to a coach potato man, sat in from of the telly watching the 'Jeremy Kyle Show' as the article had expressed.

So here is my reaction to the article and the taste of the fish which I aimed to reflect:
*disbelief of the comparison and the hidiousity (if there was a word) of the tastes
*the comedy behind the Pollock
*the lack of depth Pollock seems to have

I hope this will make you Laugh.

Happy Seasons.

A very Grumpy Chick!

My little grumpy Chick, made with spontaneous mark making with ink, later developed and tweaked to create this little wrinkled pip Squeak.
I just thought this guy was hilarious, as soon as I saw him in my ink splodges, I just laughed because he just look like a grumpy kid that would act older than his own age would suggest.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Inside Out

Our day long project was to create a piece made from found objects and scrap that I felt reflected the character of the person I worked next to. Here are some Snaps...

A Walk with a Line

 A Walk with a Line


Editorial Illustration

My Brief was to illustrate an article (given by our Tutor) and develop our own understanding of Editorial illustration.

My Article was called 'Never Mind the Pollock', which was basically about how Pollock is the bad ass fish of the sea and compared to such fish as Cod, it has been described in the article as the kind of fish you'd see slouching at a TV screen, watching Jeremy Kyle Show's where as Cod would be the fish you'd see pushing weights. Another area expressed is how Pollock, despite is ugly flavour and texture (to which I have personally tries and would do so again), most chefs encourage us to buy Pollock as an alternative for Cod, this being a more echo friendly and would lessen heavy fish on Cod to the brink of extinction.

Also as my inspiration began to thin, I took up looking for artists with the Last Name 'Pollock' to which I found to two:
Jackson Pollock, and abstract expressionist painter
Ian Pollock, an editorial illustrator who focuses on creating interesting make making.

I also made an, albeit, obvious connection to the Sex Pistols 1st Album, Never Mind the Bollocks.

Eat PES - Adam Pesapane

A Director / Animator that I have been following for many years now. His animations a much loved, especially by me, and I hope to get better acquainted with the process he used in his works.

Animation by Me 5 Years ago

Looking through old Youtube Vlogs from years ago, I found this animation I made and the creature's I designed and couldn't believe how long ago there creation was. 5 years!! Obviously I need to get
back in the practise if I'm going to be experimenting with animation again.
Music and digital help by Graphic Designer, Dalie Johnson (Website)

The Dot and the Line: A romance of lower Mathematics

File:The dot and the line.jpg''I'm steady, Consistent, I know where I'm going...' say's the Line.
This animation by Chuck Jones (also known for his work with Looney Tunes) alone is enough reason to love shapes even in its simplest of form. In a small part of me, it even evokes a love for maths but not enough for me to do some small fractal equations.
Please watch and enjoy.

Lego Advert - Tom Cooper

An animation that has never failed to make me smile. I have always loved Lego, with every bone in  my body, I have loved making basically anything from people to helicopters and taking lots of stop motion pictures with Harry Potter. Many an a hour play with colours and characters have I spent with the stuff. 
So here's is something I think everyone can relate to and I hope will make you smile.

Animation -Nige Coan & Ivana Zorn (The Mighty Boosh)

Animation has always been a large part of my life and always will be as I see it. Tale of the Crack Fox and Voodoo Scat are just a few of the animated back stories by Nigel Coan and Ivana Zorn who helped create for 'The Mighty Boosh' series. They both came from an Illustrative and Graphic Design background.
There are also illustrations by Ivana Zorn  in 'The Mighty Book of Boosh' (she’s illustrated the lyrics to many-a-crimp specially for the book), paintings, drawings and sketches by Fielding and Barratt, a short graphic novel by college-chum.

What I find most interesting is how Nigel Coan, especially through the 'Noel Fielding' Luxury Comedy', was able to bring the imaginary world of Fielding's on to the digital screen. I know him more for his creation of the infamous character, The Moon, made up of only a can of shaving cream lathered across Noel Fielding's face.

The Mighty Book of Boosh illustrated title

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

'Talking to the Soul' For which I will Investigate!

Using found imagery from magazines or .. from any where I find them. And, to follow the Editorial genre of illustration, I was this tiny piece of newspaper with a little quote, 'Talking to the Soul', which is a bit deep and very spiritual, in my opinion.

There are many route I could follow with this:
*Eyes - considered as the gate to the soul
*Religion - Faith
*Dream - unconscious narrative
*Tales and stories - provoke emotions through written words, talking to the reader of worlds more exciting than our own that we get lost in them.
*Spiritual - cleansing the soul, relief
*Love - purging of the soul, uncontrollable.

Then when I split the quote apart....

'Talking', I think of communication:
*Sign language
*Body Movement - Gestures
*Morse Code

'The Soul', I think of Spirit's free and locked within living bodies:
*Life and Death
*Strength and lack off
*Heaven vs Hell

I love this quote, there is so much to find and play with, the trouble is what to choose?
Ps, the picture above is my sources of inspiration from a site call 'How to be a Goddess', full of interesting bits and prints.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Fashion- Dress making with Paper

 Fashion was surprisingly fun and interesting as we explored how to create unusual form that didn't have to follow the common conception of how 'Fashion' must be - roughly translated as, it doesn't have to be obviously beautiful, just visual intriguing.

So here is arange of photos to which demontrates the development of ideas and experimention with where shapes and forms could be placed so as to create an effective piece/s.