My Article was called 'Never Mind the Pollock', which was basically about how Pollock is the bad ass fish of the sea and compared to such fish as Cod, it has been described in the article as the kind of fish you'd see slouching at a TV screen, watching Jeremy Kyle Show's where as Cod would be the fish you'd see pushing weights. Another area expressed is how Pollock, despite is ugly flavour and texture (to which I have personally tries and would do so again), most chefs encourage us to buy Pollock as an alternative for Cod, this being a more echo friendly and would lessen heavy fish on Cod to the brink of extinction.
Also as my inspiration began to thin, I took up looking for artists with the Last Name 'Pollock' to which I found to two:
Jackson Pollock, and abstract expressionist painter
Ian Pollock, an editorial illustrator who focuses on creating interesting make making.
I also made an, albeit, obvious connection to the Sex Pistols 1st Album, Never Mind the Bollocks.
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