Tuesday 5 February 2013

Recipe Illustration!

With a lot of experimentations with different type and media (already posted through 'Typography), and a catastrophic two weeks of snow, I finally finished my recipe piece thanks to the Printing workshop at college! I used a collage of orange strips and red tissue paper to create a mood of heat and the idea of temperature, then printed with a Collagraph plate.

I do apologise for the low quality. Due to another burst of snow, I am unable to scan them but I hope you get the gist of the design idea (basing the design on the grill or barbeque cooking of salmon).

The Recipe: Teriyaki Salmon
*1/2 tsp. Crushed Ginger
*1/2 tap.Crushed Garlic
*2 tbsp. Soy Sauce
*2 tbsp. Maple Syrup (or Honey)
*2 Salmon Fillets

1. Mixed all together and Marinate for 1- 4 hours
2. Cook under the grill for 10-15 minutes
3. Serve with rice, noodles, veg or what ever.


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