Friday 8 February 2013

'The Sequential Image'

The sequential image is a four week illustration project which requires I propose, research, develop and complete a visual sequence that communicates an idea or concept in a clearly readble sequential way.

This could mean I could use:
* Cartoon Strip
* Books

As this is my last set breid from College, i feel that I'd best experiment with as much idea making and methods as possible, as well as keep in mind that what I produce now will indefinitely effect the how I produce my last project I will set for myself.

As the majority of the artist that have impacted me in the past 5 months, I feel my subject (or storyline) should lean towards the Flora And Fauna of my immediate surroundings. I possibly could also introduce architecture that interests me.

I do plan to incorperate characters from my previous project, 'Character Building', such as my Grumpy Chicken but I will focuses on designing new ones, such as;


Any thing from my immediate envirnment and observation.

Wish me Luck!

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