Tuesday 9 October 2012

Illustration: David Hughes - 'Walking the dog'

walking the dog: jonathan cape 2009David Hughes is a different style of cartoonist that to such book illustrators as Ernest Shepherd. His style is more in the moment rather than a rough plan thumbnail / storyboard, thus his style focuses on speed; rough handwriting, un straight lines and furious crossing outs.
With out reading the text and just looking at the quality of work, I found it rather boring  and disappointed after the preexcitment seeing the book cover (with colour), but on the second attempt, including the text, I found I rather loved Hughes book. It was quick and humours, though there is no real story (as the book is sketch/writen 'in the moment') but the story does have  a dark side to it. The whole purpose of getting a new dog in his book was to give his protagonist more excercise so as to prevent the enevitability (death) thus it takes a more sinister note.

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